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Competitive Research Start-Up Fund 2014-15

Application closed.

The purpose of this fund is to assist young researchers engaged in (i) research in the field of EU Studies OR (ii) research conducted in collaboration with an EU-based institution.

At least one recipient from each EUIJ-Kyushu consortium member--Kyushu University, Seinan Gakuin University, and Fukuoka Women’s University--will be chosen. The amount of 300,000 yen will be awarded to each recipient.  

The award may only be used for domestic and/or international travel expenses for the EU research conductred between April 2014 and March 2015. In accordance with the purpose of the EU grant offered to EUIJ-Kyushu, EU nationals may only spend the money on domestic travel expenses, and any proposal involving travel to Europe by an EU national cannot be accepted.

Recipients of the fund will be awarded the title EUIJ-Kyushu Research Fellow

EUIJ-Kyushu consortium faculty and staff, aged 45 and under, may be eligible to receive this fund. Candidates may also apply for other research funds including the one offered by EUIJ-Kyushu.

Application Process

All candidates are required to submit:

  • CV in Japanese and English

**Please contact for the application deadline and submit the application materials to the EUIJ-Kyushu office at your university.

Successful candidates will be informed of their award by the end of February 2013.

Post-research Report
Recipients of this fund are required to submit a short report describing the research that was facilitated by this award.


 @ All rights reserved March, 2011   EUIJ - Kyushu