Director's Message
I am delighted to introduce the EUIJ-Kyushu to you. Launched in April 2011, EUIJ-Kyushu (EU Institute in Japan) is a unique institution supported by the European Union (EU) to promote knowledge and understanding of the EU among the Japanese people in cooperation with Japanese universities.
The EUIJ-Kyushu is composed of three universities: Kyushu University, Seinan Gakuin University, and Fukuoka Women’s University. Our consortium will carry out wide-ranging activities such as the EU Diploma Programmes (EU-DPs), lectures, conferences, cultural events, and many others.
Europe represents one of the oldest civilizations. At the same time, regional integration, the most advanced experiment in history, is being put into practice based on its ideas and needs. Thus, Europe still has much to offer Asia, another old civilization, but a resurgent region. Studying Europe, therefore, leads us to reflect upon Asia as a whole, as well as Japan in particular. The EUIJ-Kyushu provides opportunities and meeting points for our future. We hope you will join us!
Machiko Hachiya
EUIJ-Kyushu Director and Faculty of Law Professor |