・EIPA Seminars
・The Centre for European Reform Seminars
・The Centre for European Reformセミナー情報 (invitation only)
・ECB Seminars
・Committee of the Regions (Activities/Events)
・Committee of the Regions イベント情報
・European Commision
・The Council of the European Union
・Court of Justice
・European Parliament
・Committee of the Regions
・European Economic and Social Committe
・The European Ombuudsman
・Joint Research Centre (JRC)
・European Data Protection Supervisor
・ECB-European Central Bank
・EMEA-European Medicines Agency
・OHIM-Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market
・The European Investment Fund
・European Investment Bank
・EU Associations
・EU-JAPAN Centre for Industrial Cooperation
世界のEU Institute, EU Centre
・EUIJ, Tokyo Consortium
・EUSI-EU Studies Institute in Tokyo
・EUIJ at Waseda-EU Institute in Japan at Waseda
・EUIJ in Kansai-EU Institute in Japan, Kansai
・Centre for EU Studies, Seoul National University
・Yonsei-SERI EU Centre, Yonsei University
・PNU EU Centre in Korea, Pusan National University
・European Union Centre in Taiwan, National Taiwan University
European Union Centre in Singapore, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University
・American Consortium on EU Studies
・The European Union Centre of Excellence, Florida International University and University of Miami
・The European Union Centre of Excellence, University of Texas at Austin
・European Union Centre of Excellence, University of Michigan
・European Union Centre of Excellence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
・The European Union Centre of Excellence, University of Pittsburgh
・European Union Centre of Excellence, University of Washington
・European Union Center of Excellence, University of Wisconsin-Madison
・European Union of Centre of Excellence, The University of California, Berkeley
・European Union Centre of Excellence, University of Colorado at Boulder
・European Union Centre of Excellence, Georgia Tech Research Corporation
・EUropean Union Centre of Excellence, Centre for European Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa
・European Union Centre of Excellence, Dalhousie University
・European Union Centre of Excellence, Institute for European Studies, Université de Montréal and McGill University
・European Union Centre of Excellence, Institute of European Studies, University of Toronto
・La Trobe University-Innovative Universities European Union (IUEU) Centre
・Monash European and EU Centre, Monash University
・National Europe Centre, Australan National University
・National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury, Christchurch
・The European Union Studies Association-Japan
・EUSA (North America)
・European Business Council in Japan
・The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan
・The British Chamber of Commerce in Japan
・ 在日英国商工会議所
・The Austrian Business Agency
・ オーストリア経済振興会社
・The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
・The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
・Danish Chamber of Commerce in Japan
・German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
・Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan
・French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
・Beligian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan
・aicep Portugal Global
・Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce & Industry
・Institut Franco-Japonais du Kyushu
・Fukuoka EU Association
・Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation
Member Universities of the EUIJ-Kyushu Consortium
*In 2015 academic year, Kyushu University and Fukuoka Women's University are consortium member univeristy.
・Kyushu University
・Seinan Gakuin University
・Fukuoka Women's University