Throughout the year, EUIJ-Kyushu organises a variety of events, held at the consortium universities' campuses as well as non-campus venues, which aim to educate people of all ages and from all walks of life about the EU and EU/Japan relations. These events are open to the public.
Events include:
- Symposia Series: A series of talks by faculty and invited guests from overseas on EU-related topics. The majority of the symposia are open to the public.
- Forum: Forums include various events which are aimed at the public to gain more understanding of the EU.
- EU-Japan Friendship Week at EUIJ-Kyushu: More than a week of events in May and June to celebrate the formation of the EU on 9 May 1950 (called "Europe Day" since 1985), as well as the good relations between the EU and Japan.
- A Taste of Europe: An introduction to European culture, including food, art, music, consumer items, and cultural practices common in the EU.
- EUIJ-Kyushu at the Open Campus: Information about the EU and EUIJ--Kyushu is disseminated during Open Campus days (July and/or August) at each of the consortium universities.
Upcoming Events
EUIJ-Kyushu Symposia Series
Co-organized by European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
"The EU-Japan FTA/EPA: Source for Growth and Jobs"
Date: Tue. 29 Sep., 13:30-16:30
Venue: Conference Rm, 9F, JR HAKATA CITY
※Please view details here!
Past Events
▼Simposia Series
▼EU/ Japan Friendship Week
▼Extension Lecture Series